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Improving Your Golf Game with Rubber Tees and Tee Height Adjustment

Golfers are always looking for ways to improve their game, and one area that can make a big difference is the use of tees during practice. In this article, we will explore two topics related to the use of tees in golf practice.

First, we will discuss using real tees at the driving range and the different options available for holding them in place. Then, we will dive into adjusting tee height for beginner golfers and the impact it can have on their game.

Using Real Tees at the Driving Range

When practicing at the driving range, many golfers prefer to use real tees instead of artificial hitting mats. The advantage of using real tees is that they provide a more realistic surface to hit from, which can make a big difference in how the ball reacts.

However, the challenge with using real tees is keeping them in place. Luckily, there are a few different options available for holding real tees in place.

Rubber Tee Holders

One popular option for holding real tees in place is using rubber tee holders. These are small rubber tubes that fit over the top of a real tee and then sit on the ground.

They provide a stable base for the tee and prevent it from moving or falling over during the swing. Rubber tee holders come in a variety of sizes to fit different tee sizes, and they can be purchased in bulk for a reasonable price.

The Tee Claw

Another option for holding real tees in place is using a product called the Tee Claw. This is a small device that clips onto the top of an artificial hitting mat and provides a slot for a real tee.

The benefit of using the Tee Claw is that it allows golfers to adjust the height of the tee to match their desired trajectory. This can be helpful when trying to practice hitting balls at different heights.

In addition to holding real tees in place, the Tee Claw can also be used for a variety of golf practice drills. For example, golfers can use the Tee Claw to practice hitting balls off the ground, which can help with accuracy and ball flight.

Adjusting Tee Height for Beginner Golfers

For beginner golfers, one of the most important things to consider when using tees is the height at which they are set up. The height of the tee can have a big impact on the trajectory of the ball and can determine whether the ball will fly straight, hook, or slice.

Proper Tee Positions

Before we dive into adjusting tee height, it’s important to first understand where to place the tee on the ground for different clubs. Generally, the ball should be teed up higher for the driver and fairway woods, and lower for irons.

When teeing up for the driver, the tee should be positioned so that about half the ball sits above the crown of the club. For fairway woods, the ball should be teed up slightly lower, so that the top of the ball is just above the crown of the club.

When hitting irons, the ball should be teed up so that the top of the ball is level with the ground.

Adjusting Tee Height

With the proper tee positions in mind, we can now discuss adjusting tee height for beginner golfers. The height of the tee can influence the angle of attack, or the angle at which the club meets the ball.

When hitting the driver, a higher tee height can allow for a more upward angle of attack, which can increase the ball’s launch angle and distance. However, too high of a tee height can result in a golfer hitting the ball on the upswing, which can lead to less accuracy and consistency.

When hitting fairway woods, a tee height that’s slightly lower than the driver can help golfers make cleaner contact with the ball. Since fairway woods have a shallower face than drivers, teeing the ball up high can result in hitting the ball on the upswing, which can lead to thin shots and low trajectory.

For irons, the tee height should be kept low to the ground. This is because irons are designed to hit the ball with a descending blow, which creates backspin and lift.

When hitting irons off a tee, golfers should focus on hitting down on the ball instead of making contact on the upswing. In summary, the tee height can have a big impact on the trajectory of the ball and should be adjusted based on the club being used.

By understanding where to place the tee on the ground and how to adjust the height, beginner golfers can improve their accuracy and ball flight. Golf is a game that prides itself on its adherence to strict rules and regulations.

Even when it comes to using tees, there are rules in place that golfers must follow to remain within the limits of fair play. In this article, we will discuss two topics related to the use of rubber tees in golf practice.

First, we will examine the legality of using rubber tees, and the rules for their use on the golf course. Then, we will dive into the effect of rubber tees on ball flight and trajectory, and how they can help golfers improve their swing.

Legality of Rubber Tees

The rules of golf are very specific when it comes to the use of tees. Rule 11.1 states that a player may use a tee only when playing a ball from the teeing ground on the first hole of each nine.

However, the rule goes on to specify that the tee must be made of wood, bamboo, or plastic. No mention is made of rubber tees, which can create some confusion for golfers who are interested in using them.

According to the United States Golf Association, rubber tees are not explicitly prohibited by the rules of golf. However, they must conform to the same specifications as other tees.

This means that they cannot exceed 4 inches in length, and they must be fixed in the ground and not able to move during the swing. In addition, they cannot have a built-in device that would indicate the direction or line of play.

Effect of Rubber Tees on Ball Flight

Now that we’ve covered the legality of rubber tees, let’s discuss how they can impact ball flight and trajectory. Rubber tees are known for providing a stable surface for the ball to rest on, which can help golfers make better contact with the ball and improve their swing.

But what does this mean for the ball’s flight? One of the main benefits of using rubber tees is that they can help golfers achieve a more consistent ball flight.

By providing a stable surface for the ball to rest on, rubber tees reduce the chances of the ball moving or rolling before the swing. This can help golfers make square contact with the ball, which can lead to a more accurate shot and better ball flight.

In addition, rubber tees can be used to adjust tee height and impact the angle of attack. When teeing the ball up higher, rubber tees can help create more of an upward angle of attack, leading to a higher launch angle and increased distance.

On the other hand, when teeing the ball up lower, rubber tees can help golfers achieve a more downward angle of attack, leading to more backspin and a higher ball flight.

Recommendations from Experts

Now that we’ve explored the benefits of using rubber tees in golf practice, let’s delve into the recommendations from experts in the field. According to Tell Me More Golf, a company that provides golf instruction and training aids, using rubber tees can be a great way to improve your swing and ball flight.

One of the key recommendations from Tell Me More Golf is to use rubber tee holders, which ensure a stable base for the rubber tees and reduce the chances of the tee moving or falling over during the swing. Another recommendation is to use the Tee Claw, which allows for vertical adjustability and customization of tee height.

In addition to using rubber tees, experts recommend making use of the practice facilities available at the driving range. Hitting off a well-manicured fairway can help golfers get a feel for the conditions of the course and improve their ability to hit accurate shots.

By incorporating rubber tees and utilizing different tee heights and adjusting angles of attack, golfers can improve their swing and be better prepared for a day on the course. In conclusion, the use of rubber tees in golf practice can provide golfers with a variety of benefits.

While the rules of golf are clear in their limitations on the use of tees, rubber tees are not explicitly prohibited. With the ability to adjust tee height and improve stability, rubber tees can help golfers achieve a more consistent ball flight and improve their overall swing.

By incorporating rubber tees into their practice routine and taking advantage of expert recommendations, golfers can take their game to the next level. In conclusion, understanding the proper use and impact of tees in golf practice can make a significant difference in a golfer’s ability to improve their game.

Rubber tees are a popular option for their stability and versatility, but it’s important to follow the rules and regulations of the game. By adjusting tee height and utilizing proper tee positions, golfers can improve their ball flight and take advantage of expert recommendations.

Remember that practice and consistency are key to steady improvement.



Are rubber tees allowed in golf?

Yes, rubber tees are allowed as long as they conform to the same specifications as other tees.

2. How can rubber tees improve my golf game?

Rubber tees can provide a stable surface for the ball to rest on, leading to a square and accurate shot. They can also be used to adjust tee height and impact the angle of attack, leading to a better ball flight.

3. How do I properly position the tee?

The ball should be teed up higher for the driver and fairway woods and lower for irons.


What are some recommended products for using rubber tees?

Rubber tee holders and the Tee Claw are both recommended options for holding rubber tees in place and adjusting tee height.

5. What is the best way to improve my golf game?

Consistent practice and utilizing the resources available at the driving range, such as well-manicured fairways and expert recommendations, can lead to a significant improvement in golf performance.

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